Our Work

The Founding Coalition Members have worked extensively on cannabis law reform in Minnesota. We have a track-record of coalition building to pass monumental legislation in Minnesota to change how Minnesota treats cannabis consumers. Collectively, we have focused on collaborative efforts to reform Minnesota’s medical cannabis and hemp laws, and worked to build support for full legalization beginning with the introduction of legislation in 2017, and most recently, seeing full legalization passed in the Minnesota House of Representatives with a bipartisan majority.

Policy Victories

Members of the MNisReady Coalition have chipped away at cannabis prohibition in Minnesota for the past decade making significant improvements to a poorly designed medical cannabis program, championing “fix-it” legislation, collaborating to make hemp-cannabinoid consumers safer and the industry more stable, and historically passing the first full cannabis legalization in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

In the Press

Members of the MNisReady Coalition are reliable sources for local and national media, and have built relationships with local publications and national publications. Our members have been featured by Marijuana Moment, NBC News, Politico, The Guardian, New York Times, Leafly, and nearly every local news outlet.

Upcoming Events

Join us out in the community by attending one of our events, or by visiting one of our partners at community events! Don’t forget to pledge to vote!