Let's legalize cannabis in Minnesota.

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Our goal is to bring together stakeholders who support cannabis legalization


Toolkits for supporters and businesses.

Our Work

We have a track-record of coalition building to pass monumental legislation in Minnesota

Core Principles

Founding coalition members worked extensively on HF600 (Winkler), which was voted off the House floor in 2021. We have established general principles and objectives for cannabis legalization in Minnesota:

  • We want one statewide standard – we don’t want a patchwork of regulations.

  • We want to create a successful, legal market and eliminate the illegal market – we don’t want an unnecessarily burdensome regulatory or tax policy.

  • We want a Minnesota-based craft industry that benefits Minnesotans – we don’t want to create a market for outside companies to take over.

  • We want those harmed by prohibition to participate in the success of the legal marketplace – we don’t want to continue harming communities of color.

  • We want to expunge criminal cannabis records and help individuals and communities heal – we don’t want to forget about the injustices of prohibition.

  • We want to support education, impaired driving detection, chemical dependency treatment and mental health recovery—we don’t want to ignore the risks of cannabis.

  • We want to ensure cannabis is affordable and accessible, especially for those who need it - we don’t want the price of cannabis on the legal market to exceed that of the illicit market.

The growing MNisReady Coalition

Ready to join us?

We are building a broad coalition of organizations that all believe MN is Ready to legalize cannabis.

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We elected a Pro-Legalization Majority, now we need to get legalization across the finish line.

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